Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tom Leppert's new pat-on-the-back ad

Today, former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert released the first television ad in the Texas Senate race. The spot features Leppert walking along a street with abandoned buildings in the background, touting his record as a job creator.
His message is simple, I’m about jobs and I’m the only one in the race who has created jobs.
It’s an effective message that is completely false.
Leppert could have had a homerun ad that is both timely and accurate had he not tried to give himself too much credit. Both Tea Party favorite Glenn Addison and Lt. Governor David Dewhurst either owned or created their own businesses and created jobs.
According to Addison’s official biography, he started his own independent insurance agency and owns and operates funeral facilities.
Dewhurst made his fortune building cogeneration plants in the 90s, creating hundreds of jobs in the construction and maintenance of the plants.
So why release an ad now? To date, Leppert has taken on water from the mainstream media and blogosphere for portraying himself as a conservative despite his ties to Washington Mutual, ACORN, SEIU and for raising taxes as one of his first acts as Mayor.
Former Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert dons an SEIU shirt
In addition, Leppert's donations to Democrats and participation in gay pride parades are not associations tailor-made for a smashmouth Republican primary.
National Journal theorizes that the early launch is result of the predicament he is in as a candidate. The article pointedly asks, “Is there room for a self-funder, whose more-moderate positions on social issues could give conservative voters pause?”
We’ll find out on March 6th.

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